Basketball: Learn Team Dynamics & Play Smarter
Basketball Advanced 14 to 20 years old
WHAT: • Basketball IQ refers to a player’s intelligence while performing, as part of a team, in a game. Playing smart is as equally, if not, more important, than playing hard. • It means how well a basketball player is capable of reading the game and making decisions based on their understanding of the game. Players with high basketball IQ play the game the right way – and a joy to play with – The consummate teammate! WHY: • Basketball IQ separates the great from the good players and I believe this IQ can be taught to and learned by all. You do not need to be blessed with great physical attributes to play and enjoy this beautiful team sport the right way. HOW: • You DO need to learn and appreciate the basics of this team sport, and this is what these sessions will aim to teach and help improve in a dynamic environment. • Terms like the 2-foot stop, boxing out, pivot, drop-step, square up, active hands, move your feet defense, on-ball and off-ball screens, etc. are often ignored in the modern game of flying high and shooting far but make no mistake, they form the core fundamentals of what a complete player MUST understand and have - from the Beginner to the Professional. • For a start, the clinic will begin assessing individual fundamentals with an objective to improve individual core basic skills to hold one's own on the court. Players are also encouraged to call-out and share with the coach on gaps they would like help to correct and strengthen. • Depending on demand, we will then work on advancing player's offensive strength in the context of team dynamics - Perimeter spacing, high-post, low-post plays, etc. can be taught in the later clinic sessions. Understanding team defense, breaking down zone and p-p defense are key to an improved basketball IQ to enjoy and appreciate the game.
Dates to come
2 remaining place(s)
What is provided
Basketball Training Cones
What to bring
Basketball Shoes Sports Attire
Meeting location
230 Stadium Blvd, Singapore 397799, Singapore
397799 Singapore
About the organiser

Hoops IQ
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